14 May, 2013

At last I have got back to The Blog.  I aim to update it about once a week, so here goes.

The Sacking & Lace Saga

Recently an acquaintance asked me to make a special card for a wedding in the UK.  The theme was sacking and lace, and Lynda wanted the card to reflect that.  Eeeeek.  This is what I came up with (also shows the insert before it was put into the card):  
She was very pleased with it and showed it to the groom's mother who loved/coveted it, so Lynda gave it to her and asked me to make another for her:               
Fortunately she loved this one too. 
But of course by then I couldn't stop, and kept going until I had used every scrap of sacking and lace I had been given.  The last card was the one with three little hearts made out of the last tiny scraps...
So that is how I got inspired by sacking and lace!  I had such fun coming up with different ideas using the same materials.  I guess the challenge for us all is to use improbable materials together, and see how far we can go!
Have fun with your creations!

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