12 July, 2015

Holiday time

Down here in the southern hemisphere we are deep in winter although it's past the solistice and the sun is on its way back to us.   Today is a cold and crisp sunny day with clear blue skies so it's easy to think about holidays.

This one is a ticket to go!

The vintage map is a paper from my stash matted twice onto coloured card.  I punched the tag, smooshed it with inks and random stamps, then overstamped with a compass (so no one loses their way back home), tied it with yarns and attached it with a piece of natural coloured tissue.  The snakeskin band reminds me of those old suitcases (like you see in movies like Murder on the Orient Express).  Then there is the ticket giving permission to have fun (it also kind-a looks like one of those old suitcases with brass corners).  All loaded onto an orange card which already feels hot hot hot.

Shared on challenges:


1 comment:

  1. A fun card and lovely color choices. Thank you for joining us at The Paper Shelter Challenge. Good luck and please join us again!


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