28 July, 2015

Lonely Tree

Sketch: Lonely Tree; Anything goes

Embossed cream base card, rubbed over raised bits with versamark ink, then clear embossed.  Spritzed with three shades of glimmermists.  Stamped a lonely leaf, coloured with Reno pens, then covered with Glossy Accents.  Stamped sentiment.

It reminds me of those misty mornings in autumn.

Shared on challenge:




  1. Beautiful card Carol. Love your dry and heat embossed tree with the spritzing. Does look like a misty morning. :) Thanks for playing along at Happy Little Stampers.

  2. What a soft and peaceful card. I makes me sigh with delight! Thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers!

  3. What a lovely, serene setting you've created. It is delightfully dreamy!! Thanks so much for joining the Happy Little Stampers Sketch Challenge.

  4. Absolutely beautiful, Carol. Perfect for HLS's Sketch Challenge. Thanks so much for playing along. Melissa - DT

  5. What a beautiful card!
    I love this tree image!
    Thanks for playing along at Happy Little Stampers.


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