07 August, 2015

Bonnes Vacances

Mojo409; Sparkle; Fun in the sun

What else is a summer holiday but clear blue skies, pristine sand and sparkling sea?
I just made this for our French teacher who is off to Fiji for a holiday in a week's time - remember it's the middle of our NZ winter!  And because there was a sparkle challenge in the mix, I couldn't resist...

Sparkly papers torn and layered (to represent sea, sand and sky).  A digi-stamp coloured with Reno pens, matted in dark blue. Horizontal strip is under the topper instead of on top but the wavy postmark continues the line.   Postmark stamps and a flower in her hair with pearl centre.  Diecut rounded shells (from Coffee paper) and star-fish (manila) attached with dimensional foam.  Sentiment is my handwriting scanned & e-cut.

Now doesn't that make you want to go on a tropical holiday?  I'm so envious, I look out the window today and it is dull grey and pouring with rain!

Digi-stamp: Scrappers Delight
Stamp: (Hampton Art)
Die-cuts: Cuttlebug
E-Cut: Brother Scan'n'Cut
Shared on challenges:



  1. Super card, love all the sparkle! Thanks for sharing with us at Come and Get It and we hope you will join us again soon. Meighan DT

  2. A lovely card!
    Thank you soo much for taking part in our "fun in the sun” challenge over at Come and Get it & good luck in the draw.
    Hope to see you again in our next challenge as well…

    (DT Penny's Paper Crafty Challenges)
    (DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)
    (DT Come and Get It)
    (DT Crafty Friends)
    (DT Tuesday Throwdown)

  3. cute card,great for summer, our weather hasn't been warm enough here! thanks for sharing. VIcki DT


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