29 October, 2015


Who doesn't think lemonade just sounds like summer?  Freshly squeezed lemons, some honey, maybe some fizzy water, a sprig of mint,  mmmmmhhmm, what a treat.   Maybe in a hammock under a shady tree?  We are just coming up to summer here so the citrus trees are loaded. Or maybe it's winter where you are, how about a hot lemon drink to get some natural vitamin C?  You don't need to have a cold to enjoy it!

To give someone a treat in the card, how about popping in a recipe for homemade lemonade, or sachets of instant?

Lemon stamp: A Day for Daisies
DrinkyGlass stamp: Sorry folks, it was just in my scrappy box of tricks, probably given to me by someone else
Sentiment HeidiSwapp
Strip of d/s tape and crystal glitter.  Images coloured with Reno pens.  Some Kindyglitz and wink of stella white.

Challenges:  LIM - Sketch 17
A Dayfor Daisies - Treat


  1. Beautiful images, delightful colouring and a clever take on the sketch.
    thanks so much for playing along this week!
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  2. Gorgeous coloring, Carol. I especially love your lemon and the stippled effect you gave it. Your idea of including a recipe as a sweet treat is clever! Love it! Thanks for playing along with our Sweer Treat challenge at ADFD. Cathy ADFD DT

  3. Lovely shading on that lemon Carol and a super take on our sketch!
    Thank you for joining us
    "Less is More"

  4. Hot lemonade sounds delish (we in UK are in winter now) great design! Have a lovely day. Happy to be your latest follower! Hazel x

  5. The lemon looks fab!
    My mouth is watering!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  6. love the layout and your coloring - thanks for joining us at A Day for Daisies

  7. Great colouring and the images work really well with the plaid background.
    Sorry for the late visit!
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More

  8. What a lovely CAS card, perfect for our A Day for Daisies challenge this fortnight! Thanks for joining us. Good luck!
    Jen Leeflang


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