12 December, 2015

Leafy goodness

Techniques I particularly like are smooshing, stamping and heat embossing, but I LOVE smooshing.  I smoosh on smooth paper, I smoosh on rough paper, I get inky and messy and it makes me feel happy and is very satisfying.  I wonder if it's because you have very  little control and often have a nice surprise once it's dried.  And there is almost no failure!  They can be vibrant and energetic, or calm like this one.

Here I smooshed some distress inks on watercolour paper (allowed them to meet and mingle), stamped a leaf and heat embossed it in gold.  The sentiment is stamped with Hero Arts ombre ink.

Leaf & sentiment stamp:  Kaisercraft

Shared on Challenge:



  1. Great 'smooshing' technique there, Carol! Love that gold leaf against that very pretty background you've created!
    Thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  2. your card is so pretty Carol - and I love smooshing too - don't do it enough tho.

  3. Such a pretty card great embossing and love that background. Thank you for joining us at The Crafty Addicts. Helen DT

  4. What a gorgeous card Carol - love that background!!

  5. Fab smooshing, makes a beautiful background for your lovely gold leaf. Thank you for joining in at Happy Little Stampers CAS challenge.


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