20 January, 2016

I'm not sharing

I'm not sharing, go get your own!

Simple card, simple image, it works for me.  Image coloured with Reno pens, cherry has Glossy Accents on.  The dark card is a chocolate brown ... like the icing!

Image: Pink Petticoat
Nesting Dies: Couture Creations
Scribble die: Dienamics
EF: Sizzix

Shared on challenges:


  1. Hi Carol! This is sweet card! Great cake image and BGR too!!! Thanks for a visit of my blog and very nice comment! I wish you a great day, hugs Jenna

  2. What a stunning card Carol - love the wee touch of red behind the image, and the way you have offset the die cuts. The embossing on the base card if a great finishing touch.

  3. Cute card! Love the sentiment! Thank you for joining us at ATCAS.

  4. Awesome card, Carol! Beautiful coloring, and I love how you embossed your card behind the hexagon! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at Addicted to CAS!

  5. Beautiful balanced CAS take on our 1st challenge this year! Love the glossy cherry on top ;) Thank you so much for sharing your card with us at Addicted to CAS Challenge. -Ksenija, DT


I'm so glad that you came to visit and took the time to leave me a comment! Thank you!