25 January, 2016

My Happy

I've never used these stamps before, and I needed a silhouette - perfect.  When I look at this my blood pressure goes down and calmness descends... just like being with some special people makes you feel happy and calm.

I stamped the sun with two colours of ink, then overstamped with the tree.  The sentiment is in capitals like the scrabble letters.  The base card is linen finish and looks like it has a funny pattern on it; I think it must be to do with pixels.  The sea is cut with kids decorative scissors.

Sun & palm tree stamps: BoBunny
Sentiment: Rosie's
Decorative scissors for waves.

Shared on challenges:



  1. This is just fab, makes me feel like a holiday!


  2. Love this, wonderfully put together tranquil scene, Liz x

  3. this is beautiful and I know what you mean about the lowering of blood pressure when looking at this. I certainly brings on that element of calm and I wouldn't say no to a bit of this view and sunshine in a morning! Thanks as always for playing along at Less is More. Sarah x

  4. I like the silhouette palm tree – I am very much into silhouettes, and I could see myself doing all sorts of things with that image.

  5. Lovely serene make Carol, I like your sun stamp.
    Thank you so much
    "Less is More"

  6. Hi Carol this morning I could see all your cards! I can't usually but dont know why?
    All your cards are so well presented and your descriptions great! You have great flair and imagination in using colour,layouts and the mixing together all the different elements!
    Hugs Alison


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