30 March, 2016

Birdie Told

A little birdie told me ...
what a great sentiment this is - inside the card you could write anything.  For example:  you're expecting; you're in hospital; you've got a new job;  you are having a birthday; you're going through a rough patch.. etc
**If you leave a comment, tell me what else you think could go with it!

Image: From the Heart Stamps
Sentiment: not known
Die: Sizzix
Washi tape

Shared on challenges:


  1. This is so cute, Carol. I gotta tell you when I first saw this bird and the washi tape my first thought was band aids and it was going to be a get well card because her (or His) eyes looked bugged out like she was fixing to get sick to her stomach. Ha Ha Ha! I can't help it! My friends always said I had a sick sense of humor. But, you're right in saying it can be very versatile.

    I love it.

  2. So sweet! I love the bird's expression and the fab background of dots and washi. Great card! I agree with Bunny that it would be a fantastic get well soon card, but it's definitely versatile enough for other occasions too :)

  3. So creative and cute! Love it. Thanks for sharing at Less is More!

  4. Great card, love your birdie !!

  5. This is sooooooooooo cute, love the birdie


  6. A super creation with the funky bird Carol and just perfect for our theme this week, many thanks for joining us at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  7. fabulous Carol. Beautifully coloured. Love the eyes. The digis from From the Heart are so sweet. Love the bright washi tape on it.

  8. Super fun, vibrant and fabulous take on the challenge Carole.
    Love your colouring here and superb combo too. Thanks so much for playing along at Less is More this week. Sarah x

  9. Fab design, thanks for joining us at Allsorts, xxx

  10. Love the birdie, and great how you've co-ordinated him with one of the colours of dots. Such a simple design idea that really packs a punch!
    Apologies for the late visit!
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More


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