03 May, 2016

Button Babe

This month Die Cut Divas http://die-cut-divas.blogspot.co.nz/ has a photo challenge:

... and our May sponsor is A Day for Daisies.  I chose this gorgeous image to work with and knew immediately what I wanted to do with both cards (spot the next one on 23rd May).  It looks like spring; she's out picking flowers!
I printed the button picture (you can too, I give you permission!) and used it to paper piece her hair and top.  I fussy cut one button, added glossy accents and used 3D foam to adhere it.  The tag background is sponged around the image, then stencilled, and edges inked.  The diecut buttons are layered, the bottom layer having gold glittery Stickles in the holes, and the top layer with drawn on thread.

Digi image: A Day for Daisies -spring breeze  
Get it here: http://adayfordaisies.com/stamps/girls-play/products-name-p-2655
Stencilled over die cut: Couture Creations
Button die: Memory Box
Tag die: Sizzix
Fine twine

Shared on challenges:


  1. Love this Carol - she looks so lovely there, and the button hair is an inspired idea - as is the line of buttons across the bottom of the tag. Love the dimensionao button on her jacket

  2. How clever to use the button photo as PP and for Paper piecing. Great card. Love the little touch of the stenciling on the tag.

  3. Oh, what a sweet image, Carol. Fabulous coloring! Thanks for playing along in our "May Flowers" challenge at Quirky Crafts. Good luck in the competition.
    NanaConnie DT

  4. Another gorgeous card. Love everything about it. Lots of lovely details. JUdy

  5. This is super.How clever to paper piece her with the button pic.Love the dimensional button too.Thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments.Hope to see you again next week.
    Lisa x

  6. What a cute idea for your paper piecing! Super card! Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Throwdown!


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