15 June, 2016

Cupcake Birthday gift bag

Bloobel Stamps is the sponsor of this "For a Child" challenge at The Crafters Café - have a look at all the ideas the design Team have come up with:  http://crafterscafeblogchallenge.blogspot.co.nz/

I chose Bloobel's Birthday cupcake, get it here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/276446378/digi-digital-stamp-instant-download?ga_search_query=cupcake+birthday&ref=shop_items_search_1

These Bloobel images are so cool and fun to use.  This could be for any age male really, not just a child.

I coloured the image with copics, and stamped a sentiment at the top, then inked softly on the front and heavily on the edges.

I made the gift bag using We R Memory Keepers
bag maker.  I diecut the top with Spellbinders, and also a couple of tags in navy and olive green to embellish.  I used one on the flap and the others like tabs sticking out the side and glued stars (everyone is a star on their birthday!), and tied with olive green linen thread.
Great for stuffing with a gift.

Shared on challenges:



  1. Interesting project Carol. The gift bag is cute and the image is unusual

  2. What a fabulous project! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Double D ‘One for the Boys’! We hope you’ll come back often.

    DOUBLE D Challenge Blog
    DAR’S CRAFTY CREATIONS Please stop in for a visit!

  3. Ha! That IS a fun image and, yes, it could be for any age guy. Super cute bag and the image is a great fit on it. Fabulous coloring! Love this project and I'm so glad you shared it with us at Double D!

  4. Beautifully done Carol. Great idea. Judy

  5. A fabulous card for a male, love his face!!! Thanks for sharing with us at Ooh La La Creations. Michelle x

  6. This is a fabulous gift bag, such a super image.
    Thank you for joining us at Ooh La La Creations.


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