22 March, 2017

Knit Happens

Sometimes life doesn't work out
the way we planned - this has been happening to a few people I know recently, so I thought I'd do a bit of cheering up, maybe bring a smile or two.

I used the sketch and twist (take it easy) over at From the Heart Stamps and I turned it on its side.  The doodling is to make it look a bit more folksy.

Image&sentiment : From The Heart Stamps
coloured with Copics
Border die: Spellbinders
Doodling with black gel pen, brad

Shared on challenges:
i-heart-sketches-with-a-twist-167-takeiteasy  twist
craftycatz challenge-162-ag-added-twist-touch of pink twist
getcreative ch-56-favorite-color-combo  pink & turquoise


  1. This is a riot, Carol. So dadgummed funny. What a cute card.

  2. Hi Carol, a super fun card, love the sentiment and the lovely colours you have used... have a wonderful week... Megan

  3. hahaha! this is brilliant! Thanks for sharing it with us this week at Crafty Catz. Naomi x

  4. Great fun card,cute image and love the sentiment lol
    Carol x

  5. Thanks for the giggle Carol - this is priceless!(I needed the giggle too) Love the way you have used the heart punch!!

  6. This is very sweet Carol. Love the mix of patterns you've used here. Beautifully done. Thanks for joining us at FTHS.

  7. Wonderful card! Thanks for entering I {heart} card sketches with a double twist - hope to see you again next time! Don’t forget that we have a monthly progressive challenge too!

  8. What a gorgeous card! I love the hearts!!

    Thank you for playing along with us at FTHS!


  9. What a wonderful card for a friend going through a rough time. Your card is cute and very sweet. Thanks for joining us at Love to Scrap! Challenge Blog
    Tina dt

  10. So it does! At the moment I'm at home with my son who had school cancelled (Unprecedented!) because of torrential rain and likely flash flooding from a cyclone and it's pelting down and making me feel a trifle anxious and glum. Your card managed to bring a smile to my face. Thank-you! :) Thanks for joining us at Get Creative Challenges. Best wishes, Janelle (DT) :)

  11. A really cute card and just right for your friend. Thank you for joining us over at LTSCB and good luck Pen DT

  12. A beautiful card, super cute design – thanks for joining in the Glitter ‘N’ Sparkle Anything Goes – Sarah DT – I am now following your lovely blog and would love for you to follow me back :) - http://magentasnowflake.blogspot.co.uk

  13. Ha ha - such a fun card!
    Thanks for playing at Pile It On!
    Helen x


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