01 February, 2018

Microwave bowl cosy

Some of my quilty friends have been making these fabric bowls for use in the microwave.  Because they are 100% cotton you can heat them and lift things in and out of the MW as well as use them to hold a hot bowl while eating.  The pointy bits are like handles.

This is made from   12" squares of fabric.  It was easier than I thought it would be.

I got the instructions by googling microwave bowl cosy.  There are several versions.  I reckon they'd make lovely gifts maybe with a dish of something in it.

Shared on challenges:

cinspirations-january-challenge-something-new  (new fabric, new thing)


  1. that is a really cool idea Carol

  2. Love this, Carol. I love quilting, too. I can't do it anymore because of the shoulder but I so enjoy looking at quilting projects. [Bunny]

  3. My SIL had a go making these but I don't think she had the sucess you have had - this looks amazing

  4. Oh my goodness - how cool is this! I need one! Thanks so much for sharing with us at LTCCB! -Lori DT


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