01 March, 2018


Recycled is the challenge at the Crafters Café, see what you can do!  Have a peek at the design team work and be inspired:  crafterscafeblogchallenge

Thanks to Cute As A Button for this image, get it here:

I recycled a Mollie Makes magazine into background paper and used a photo of the chair upholstery on that page for the band.  I decided to carry through the limited palette and just colour the bits of the girl as a focal point, reflecting the flower colour in the button.  A cuppa and a book ... heaven!

Image & sentiment: Cute as a button
Coloured with Copics
Magazine, print and photo (part of furniture)
Button & twine

Shared on challenges:
allsorts-456-i-spy-something-beginning-with B book, button, black


  1. Carol, I totally agree about the cup of tea and a good book. I never would have thought of leaving most of the image in black and white and only coloring the face, but it SO WORKS. So glad you joined us at A2Z Scrapbooking.

  2. You card looks lovely in the monochromatic colour Carol and just the hint of colour on the button, many thanks for joining in with our 'I Spy' theme at Allsorts this week.

    B x

  3. What a nice image and creation. Thank you for participating in our challenge at Allsorts this week!

  4. Super cute!! What a lovely sentiment. Thanks for playing our March challenge at a2z.

  5. What a wonderfully creative way to up-cycle Carol, and I agree - a cuppa and a good book is bliss!


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