18 May, 2018

Bionic Bag

I have been sewing this bag with two of my friends for 3 days.  Jan has made two, Judy has made four, and now that it's finished I never want to make another!  I nearly bust my machine; at one stage you are sewing through about 10 layers.
That said, it is a super bag, compact, useful and fits anything I would need to go to classes or stitching groups.

The back of the bag sits up and the front lays out open like a tray.  In between the zipped pockets are spaces for stuff like scissors.  The triangular pouch is for threads and scraps - it folds flat.

And there's even a wee pocket for my craft specs.

Thanks Jan and Judy, I would never have figured it out using the instructions alone.  Now that it's finished, I'm glad I made it, but I still won't ever make another!


  1. WOW it looks absolutely brilliant and well worth the effort even if you never make another !!!
    Carol x


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