05 June, 2018

Birds just like to have fun

I love watching birds.  They are just like humans really with similar behaviours.  In our garden, we have a female blackbird called Dottie (with one white feather on her back)and an old male called Mulder (going grey at the edges), both clearly identifiable by their markings.  We also have two male pheasants - a young and old male - one bright and one faded, not to mention a lot of other birds that all look the same as each other.

For this card I stamped a card for the background, then carefully trimmed it into three layers and matted it onto green card using 3D foam.
Leafy stamp: Hero Arts
Dotty stamp: Hero Arts
Bird dies: Couture Creations

Shared on challenges:
tuesday-throwdown-394-create-your-own background
craftycalendar-june-challenge-three-of-something (birds)


  1. Beautiful Carol. The greens are fabulous.

  2. Beautiful layering and your birds are gorgeous, Carol! Such a stunning card!!!

  3. Gorgeous card Carol and thanks for joining us at Crafty Calendar Challenge hugs Sue J xx

  4. Lots of depth. I love the card, color combo and I still have that stamp too. It really does capture the eye. So glad you joined us at Die Cut Divas.

  5. Love this, wonderful design. I really like this look. Great take on the challenge, thank you so much for participating this week at the Mod Squad Challenge
    Judy~ Mod Squad Challenge Designer
    {Judy's Happy Place} Stop by and see me!!!

  6. What great use of the layering technique Carol and a gorgeous card - love the bright blue birds, a great contrast to the fabulous greens :-)

  7. I love your gorgeous card - I knew straight away it was a day for daisies image - love 'em! I love the phone case inspiration too, as I have that exact one! hahah. Thanks for entering our challenge this week at Colour Crazy challenge - Vic, DT X


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