04 June, 2018


The challenge at Incy Wincy Designs is a photo inspiration: incywincydesigns check it out  now!

And I have used sponsor Little Blue Button Stamps image called Dreamcatcher 3, get it here: lbbstamps-dreamcatcher-3-digital-stamp

I made the background using Distress Oxide Inks in four colours sponged on, then blended, then misted until I had the right amount of speckle and blotch.  The image is coloured with Copics with lots of shading and blending. It is then die cut with some parts of the image cut out first and hung over the die. And of course you need stars if you're doing some dreaming; the stars are clear iridescent so only show up in certain lights.

Image: Little Blue Button - dreamcatcher 3
Coloured with Copics
Distress Oxide inks
Also stars, glossy accents on hearts, gold metallic pen

Shared on challenges:


  1. Gorgeous card Carol :-) the dreamcatcher is lovely and the colours and background are so pretty! :-)

    Congratulations you have won the $50 voucher on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge. Please email us, there is a clickable link on the sidebar of the challenge blog :-)
    Lols x x x

  2. Carol this is a beautiful card indeed! Congrats on your win over at Simon Wednesday Challenge!

  3. What a wonderful card. Thanks for sharing at Time Out.

  4. Incredible, Carol ! I'm here with my DT hat on again. :-D I just want to say thanks so much for playing again in our challenge at QKR Stampede.
    NanaConnie DT

  5. Hi, Carol
    This is so pretty - that background is perfect for the lovely tones of the image - making your own is great for coordinating! Thanks for joining the anything goes challenge at QKR Stampede this week. Dorothy S, DT memaber

  6. This is so pretty! What beautiful coloring, I really love that image. Thanks for joining us last week for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge.

  7. This is gorgeous. Love your coloring!
    Thanks for playing with us at Catch the Bug.
    xxx Margreet DT

  8. Your color palette is stunning! Beautiful dream catcher.

    Thanks so much for playing with us at Time Out!

  9. Squeeeeee, Carol, did you see that you've won at Simon Says Stamp? Beautiful creation hunny, so deserved. Dancing a lil' jig for you, I've been dreaming of winning that prize for years! Hugs, Wends xoxo

  10. Great card, thanks for sharing it with us at the Colour Crazy Craft challnge Janet DT


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