19 July, 2018

Cupcake by Holly (age 8)

This is my card that I made in Nonna's studio.  The inside is special, it is an accordian.  I am going to give it to mum and dad.  I made it out of a paper napkin with cupcakes on it.

This is what it looks like on the inside.

Nonna's note: Holly used my blog because she doesn't have one.
She used the clingwrap technique to fuse the cupcake napkin then cut them out.
Dies: Spellbinders
Punches: Martha Stewart
Sentiment stamp: Art Impressions
Also: ribbon, gems

Shared on challenges:


  1. Hi Holly, you must have had a fantastic time working with Nonna in her craft room. I love the accordion inside with the cupcakes on it.
    Have a wonderful weekend...

  2. Hi Holly. I'm so sure that your mum and dad will love and appreciate your card.

  3. Lovely card Holly! It's very clever with the accordian inside!

  4. WOW brilliant cupcake card the accordian inside is amazing never even heard of that technique never mind made one--brilliant
    Carol x

  5. Gorgeous card Holly! your mum and dad are going to love this! The front is beautiful but when you open it up and see and accordion of cupcakes, how fabulous is that!! I never heard of the cling wrap fuse technique! but whatever it is is awesome!! Totally love this!! Very well done Holly!!! :-)

    thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Kids Vacation Challenge
    Lols x x x

  6. What an impressive card Holly - I love that inside piece. Nonna must be very proud of your card making abilities

  7. Wow this is amazing, Holly! Such a wonderful pop up card and I love your design here. Thosr cupcakes are colores beautifully and look delicious! Love how you embellished the outer panel with blossoms too. Very unique and creative design. Thank you for joining us on Simon Says Stamp Kids Vacation Challenge.


  8. wow your card is amazing Holly, love that cupcake pop up and Mum & Dad are going to love receiving this card, thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Summer Vacation Challenge xxx

  9. This is such a fabulous card, and I'm sure that mum and dad will love it. Love the accordian with the cupcakes inside. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Kids Vacation. Hugs, Sandra


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