06 January, 2019

Wishing You ...

I started with a sketch for this card.  I like the challenge a sketch provides and I wanted a bit of magic too.
I re-discovered the old fashioned looking fairy stamp; have had it for a few years but had never used it before so, new-to-me.

Image stamp: Prima- Jodie Lee
Coloured with copics
Sentiment stamp: Verve
Clear heat embossed
Random dot stamp: Verve
(above glitter tape) twinkle glitter EP - doesn't show up very well
Die: Sizzix/Tim Holtz
Corner punch:
Glitter tape, Sequins, PPapers (turquoise has a leather pattern)

Shared on challenges:
/simon-says-something-new-4 fairy stamp - never used before
ellibelles-crafty-wednesday-january- sparkle & shine
do-allkreatives-think-twice two fairies
die-cut-divas--new to you fairy stamp - never used before


  1. Beautiful card Carol love the vintage Fairy stamp and sparkle
    Carol x

  2. Gorgeous card Carol I love the vintage stamp...xx

  3. Really pretty card-love the fairies and the sparkle! Thanks for joining us at Die Cut Divas!

  4. Great take on the sketch
    Thanks for playing along with us at CCT. x

  5. Love the die cut patterned paper.
    Thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnuts patterned paper challenge.
    Happy crafting!
    Catherine x DT

  6. what a gorgeous and whimsical stamp Carol, and a stunning card!

  7. Amazing work! Love the touch of sparkle...

    Thanks for playing along with our Do-Al(l) Kreatives Challenge and good luck!

    Hugs and please come back soon!
    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    *Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
    *DT* Die Traumfabrik

  8. A really fun take on the sketch, Carol, and glad that you finally got to use these cute little angels! Thanks for playing along with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge

  9. What an amazing card Carol! Loving the vintage style image an the sketch is fantastic! I really have been wanting to make something following this sketch as well, but don't seem to ever get a chance to play in sketch challenges!

    Thank you so much for sharing this month at my Crafty Wednesday challenge where it's all about Sparkle and Shine!

  10. Cute and fun card! So glad you could join us at Die Cut Divas.

  11. Your card is so beautiful. Love it!
    Thanks for playing along with us at our present challenge at Do-Al(l) Kreatives and good luck. Hope you will join us next month again.
    Please keep in mind that you have to be a follower in order to win the prize. When you already following us everything is fine.

    Crafty greetings

    *DT + Admin* Do-Al(l) Kreatives {#25 – Think twice + BlogHop}
    *DT* Kreativ-Tanten Challenge {#25 – ATG}
    *DT* Craft Rocket Challenges {#55 – Winter}
    Alex' Kreative Seite

  12. It is a marvelous card! All that pink, so pretty! Thanks for joining us at DAK!

  13. Super cute card. Wonderful design here and wonderful choice of patterned papers. Great take on the challenge, thank you so much for participating this week at the Mod Squad Challenge
    Judy~ Mod Squad Challenge Designer
    {Judy's Happy Place} Stop by and see me!!!

  14. Fantastic use of the sketch, Carol, and I love the sparkle! Putting on my DT hat now - Thanks so much for playing along with us in our "Anything Goes" challenge at QKR Stampede this week. Hope to see you again in our next challenge.
    NanaConnie DT

  15. So very cute. Thanks for playing at the Brown Sugar Challenge and I wish you the best of luck. Come back again.
    Dawn DT

  16. Thanks for joining us in our challenge at Brown Sugar and good luck in the draw.
    [aussie aNNie design team member for Brown Sugar Challenges]


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