05 June, 2019

Rhiannon - 10 years old

Hi it's Rhiannon here (10 years old).  I have another card that I made at Nonna's house.  I don't have a blog so she lets me use hers.

I used her stamps and her diecutter machine.  And her glitter glue and special pens to colour them.  I am learning how to shade.

I hope you like my card.

Rhiannon W



  1. Hey, Rhiannon. I do like your card. Your card is colorful and cute. I'm so glad that you have a Nona that will teach you and let you use her crafting supplies. I love the bunny and I know bunnies


  2. Great card, Rhiannon. Don't forget to claim your prize at CRAFT Challenge!


  3. Hi, Rhiannon, your card is lovely and the bunny is so cute. Gorgeous card design and colours too. My 11 year old granddaughter has been staying with us and making cards - you both have a fantastic hobby..!!
    Alison xx

  4. I'm back to say thank you for joining in the challenge at Di's Digi Designs.
    Alison xx

  5. How pretty! I love the mix of patterns and colors you used; makes a really fun card! Thanks for playing with Di's Digi Designs.


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