13 April, 2020

Bunny's Beautiful Hat

This hat's for you, Bunny.  You might not have had a lovely flowery dress but you can have this gorgeous hat!  It looks like she is wearing a garden on her head - how wonderful!!    And come on over for tea and cake and maybe easter eggs …

Where on earth did the term Easter bonnet come from anyway?

Image: GeckoGalz
Elements: Pixel Scrapper
Embossed border

Shared on challenges:
allfun-6-anythinggoes easter


  1. The image is lovely and I like the sentiment you used. So glad you joined us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  2. There is always time for tea and cake and this image is lovely! What a perfect, classy Easter card. Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  3. Nice card Carol. I considered using that image but changed my mind. A very elegant Easter Bunny with the Easter Bonnet. Congrats on your win from yesterday.

  4. Lovely card. Thank you for joining the challenge at A Bit More Time to Craft. Hope to see you again next time.

  5. this is marvelous! a bunny and an eater bonnet! love it! happy day to you! xo

  6. Carol, Fabulous! In her Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it and Tea and Cakes Too? That's my kind of Party! Thank you for sharing your festive creation with us at Jan's Digi Blog Challenge! HAPPY CRAFTING! Stay safe & Healthy!
    (owner & Illustrator of Jab's Digi Stamp Shop)

  7. Oh a gorgeous card love the image Carol and I have to say the bonnet looks pretty enough to win if only there was a parade this year.....xx

  8. Fabulous image again Carol - and you have used it beautifully on this card - yes I accept the invitation for tea and tiny cakes and Easter eggs :).
    I think the term Easter Bonnet was because Easter is in spring in the northern hemisphere, and a new bonnet was called for, and what better time to debut it than Easter?
    Stay safe

  9. Fabulous image and who would disagree with the sentiment! Maxine was right about the Easter bonnet too-Spring and Easter meant new clothes and when we were young I remember getting new white socks and sandals
    Carol x

  10. Yum..........yes there is time for tea and cake. Thanks for the bonnet. I think it was the English that actually started the Easter Bonnet. It's a tradition to come out of lent and wear a new dress and bonnet to celebrate the beginning of spring or Easter. Cute card. [Bunny]

  11. Thanks for the info about the origins of the Easter bonnet - I guess it makes sense if you are in the northern hemisphere.

  12. WOW! A glorious image and papers and of course we all have time for tea and cakes. Thank you so much for joining us in our challenge at QKR Stampede this week. Looking forward to see you again next challenge.

    Faith QKR Stampede DT
    Keep safe

  13. Such a beautiful card. I love you coloring.
    Thanks to join us at All Fun Challenges

  14. I love the bunny image in their hat and the sentiment. Thanks for taking the time to enter our challenge this month at Creative Inspirations and good luck Jayne DT

  15. Great card, thanks for sharing with us @ Cutie Pies. Sue x

  16. Thank you also for joining the challenge at Jan's Digi Stamps. Hope to see you again next time

  17. Very cute card. Love your work . Thank you for joining us at Crafty Gals Corner this month. Hope to see you back here again soon. Judy DT


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