27 April, 2020

Choo choo

The daily challenge at Gecko Galz is on day 42 of the lockdown.  Today the theme is steampower.

I used two Gecko Galz papers laid together with the top one torn at the side to expose the digi stamp of a steam engine.  The music paper and train inspired the card and now much later that song is still going round in my head!  For you musicians, I don't read music so don't know what it is, but it looks interesting.

Two digital papers: Gecko Galz (Optic Vintage Charm #8 and #9) which I won earlier in the challenge series.
Edges inked.
Vintage gentleman and Train stamps: Pixel Scrappers
Diecut Gears:  given to me by a friend, one clear embossed.
Sentiment: typed on computer, inked
Distress Inks
Dots: Ranger Enamel Accents

Shared on challenges:
geckogalz-challenge-of-day-Steam Power



  1. This is so cute. I love the sentiment you made too. [Bunny]

  2. What a great steampunk card Carol - love it - that steam engine in the bottom layer looks so impressive in the torn area!
    Stay safe

  3. Great card Carol and now I am singing away, not heard that for donkeys years, thats a fab image too.xx

  4. Great card and sentiment love the torn turned back piece
    Carol x

  5. Fabulous card! Thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Catz challenge. !

  6. This is wonderful, love the layers a great masculine card. Thank you so much for joining us in our challenge at QKR Stampede this week. Good Luck and looking forward to see you again in our next challenge.

    Faith QKR Stampede DT

  7. Fabulous card Carol! I love this! Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Arty Divas this week. Looking forward to seeing you again next challenge.

    Hugs, Zowie xx

    Arty Divas DT

    Crafts from the Fairy Den {My Blog}

  8. A great card and a favourite song of mine too!

    Thanks for joining us at the Arty Divas Challenge Blog.

    Helen x


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