09 June, 2020

Tiny Flower Garden

I was looking through some old cardmaking books that I was going to get rid of  and there was a section on using vellum.

So I got out my vellum - I hardly ever use it, I don't know why not.

I used a small piece of blue vellum to go behind a diecut frame, then tore it off.  I love torn edges.
Then layered a torn brown scrap for the dirt, and a piece of negative leftover scrap for the grass.  Talk about using up scraps!
I drew veins on the diecut leaves in two colours of green gel pen, one of them sparkly.  Another sparkly gel pen dotted on the sticky-out bits of the flowers.  The dragonfly is punched from a tiny iridescent leftover.

Frame die:  Unbranded
Flower die: unbranded
Leaf die: Poppy Stamps
W.can die: Impression Obsession
Dragonfly punch: unbranded
Also: Vellum, gems, gel pens, scraps

Shared on challenges:
ellibelles-crafty-wednesday-june-summer garden
asyoulikeit-06-scenes-or-not This is about as close to a scene as I get, I don't enjoy doing them, and would rather photograph if I want a scene.
craftycatz-509-anything-goes opt CAS



  1. Love it Carol and like you say a nice way to use the vellum we all store, I only use mine to tear for a sentiment, how daft, maybe time for a change, haha....xxx

  2. What a pretty~pretty way to use the vellum on your beautiful card! Thank you for joining our challenge at Double D!
    Diane DD DT {Nellies Nest}

  3. your vellum has made a lovely card, thanks for sharing at Crafty Catz challenge

  4. The vellum is beautiful and so is your card. I need to drag mine out some day. [Bunny]

  5. This is a great design. Love how you have used the vellum-the torn edge is a great idea and works so well with the brown. The way you have placed the flowers and leaves is so creative-love how some overlap the frame. Wonderful card x

  6. So very pretty! Loving the clean design showing off these gorgeous dies!
    Thank you so much for joining in at my Crafty Wednesday challenge this month where it's all about the summer garden!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  7. Your die cut garden scene is fabulous Carol! Love how you've tied in the vellum! I'm hopeless with trying to 'get rid' of anything...I have so many old magazines, and stamps, and papers, and, and and...LOL

  8. Awww, this is so cute. Love your little scene. Thanks so much for playing along at Time Out.

  9. Great CAS card and use of scraps -this is why we keep them all lol-love the torn scrap of vellum too
    Carol x

  10. WOW! Now that is simply adorable! LOVE your design! Great job and fun inspiration ... thanks! Thanks also for joining in the fun at our Double D ‘Use your Scraps’ challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.
    DOUBLE D Challenge Blog
    Please stop in for a visit!

  11. You really need to use your vellum more often Carol - you have rocked this mini garden :)
    Stay safe

  12. So sweet! I also love the torn edges on your pretty blue Vellum. I also love the look of a simple Vellum die cut (foliage, heart etc) just shoved into a grouping of die cuts lol Your pretty framed flower garden is delightful! Thanks so much for playing along with us again at The Double D, Scraps Challenge, Donna, DT Member.

  13. What a sweet card, Carol, I love the torn vellum! Thanks for joining in at Dream Valley!

    love Mags B x

  14. You created a fabulous card with the scraps of papers and your die cuts a great make,thank you for joining in at the Crafty Calendar

  15. Such a great combination of all those elements! And beautifully CAS! Thank you for joining us at TIME OUT!


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