13 August, 2020

Face masks

A morning on the sewing machine.  After more than 100 covid-free days, we have a community outbreak and while Auckland is isolated at level 3, the rest of us are now at level 2.  These are for family, as it may become necessary to wear masks.


  1. You have been busy. I like all the different fabrics that you have used. It's looking more likely today that we might be wearing masks for a while.

  2. Great fabric Carol, these are fab but its sad you need them again after being so free from it, this damned virus is nasty, stay safe.xx

  3. Fabulous Carol. I made myself one yesterday but of course could not find any elastic at home. So I threaded pink ribbon to make some ties.

  4. Busy busy 0- these look amazing Carol. Love some of the fabrics you have used! I started some of the other style this afternoon, got interrupted, and also made a couple of boo boo's, so now have unpicking to do... so not impressed!
    Stay safe

  5. We saw that on the news. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's no fun wearing the mask but if it helps I'll wear it. I just wish everyone else would. [Bunny]

  6. Love all the beautiful material especially the dark green one -talk of wearing masks until next year at least!
    Carol x

  7. These are beautiful and I am sure the family will love them.
    Linda xxx


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