13 September, 2020

I'm Done

I had to make a clingfilm background for another project, so of course had a bit of messy fun and made lots of backgrounds.  This one is made with silver and gold and iridescent medium.

Digi image: Gecko Galz
Background: acrylic paint & clingfilm
Corner punch: Couture Creations
Stamp: Kaisercraft
Sentiment: typed on computer
Sparkle: Opal Dust (so hard to photograph)
Also: ribbon, buttons, pearl, charm, cobweb, tulle


  1. Hi Carol, this is so gorgeous the image is beautiful and the backgroud is so creative, I keep promising myself a play day but where is the time going... Hope your well.xx

  2. WOW Carol, this is magnificent! Love your background behind the collage of images, and the fun sentiment.
    Stay safe

  3. Stunning card Carol beautiful vintage image and love the background technique and buttons
    Carol x

  4. Fabulous card Carol, love the elements and beautiful background.
    Linda xxx

  5. Love all the elements you brought together for a wonderful card. Thanks for joining in with my "I Love" challenge at Allsorts.
    Lynn x

    I notice you also joined us at We Love Chocolate Baroque but we only allow stamped images and I am not sure this is a stamp?

  6. When I saw the word clingfilm my mind only saw the word gingham. I thought.........where's the gingham?

    No gingham so we go home now. Your card is still lovely. [Bunny]

  7. So beautifully done!
    Thanks for joining our "I love..." theme and Birthday Celebration at Allsorts challenge this week!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  8. OH wow carol this is just gorgeous can imagine you having your messy fun

  9. That background is fantastic! It's just too much fun just to make one background when you can make many! I love your card. Thank you for playing along with the Scrapping4Fun Challenge this week!

  10. Such a lovely creation. Thank you for entering our Anything Goes Challenge at Creative Fingers.
    DT Mari, my blog Ittetehty

  11. Fabulous card, thanks for joining Scrapping4funChallenge.

  12. Well now that is gorgeous Carol!

    Thank you for playing along with us at Creative Knockouts, I hope you will join us again this week:-)


  13. I'm back again, just noticed this gorgeous card linked up with my Crafty Wednesday challenge too, thank you so much for sharing there as well!!


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