24 November, 2020

Kiwi Birthday

 Scribbles - Layer it Up - November

We have friends with a Kiwifruit Orchard, so this will be for one of their birthdays.  Also New Zealanders are known as Kiwis.  So ... from all of us kiwis.

The background is printed onto paper from Lozzy.  The frame around the kiwis is coloured with dull gold Sharpie pen, and the little loopy doodles attached are coloured with metallic gold Stardust pen. Edge inked with D'Inks.  The kiwis are printed onto patterned paper ( sorry, I don't know here I got this), and cut out.  On is raised on 3D foam, the rest are stuck down onto the background.  The skin edges of the kiwifruit are coloured with dull gold Sharpie pen, and the centers with WoS.  Here is a kiwifruit made into a kiwi!

Image: Scribbles Designs

Background Patt.Papers: Lozzy 

Green patt.paper: ?  left over from stash


Gold pens, WoS, Clear Stardust pen, gold pearls

Shared on Challenges:







  1. Fabulous personalised card love the kiwis and the P.paper you printed them on works perfectly-love it
    Carol x

  2. It's gorgeously designed Carol, so much nicer to get something that has the personal touch and I do enjoy kiwi fruit.xx

  3. I've actually never seen kiwis over a card before, but these is so beautiful looking! Love the added gold mirror and such a fun story too!

  4. I like the paper that you used for the kiwifruit. Lovely background too Carol.

  5. Wonderful fun card Carol - and the kiwifruit kiwi made me laugh out loud, much to the cat's bewilderment!
    Stay safe

  6. Such a contemporary and funky design. Awesome card. Thanks for playing at Polkadoodles, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe and keep crafting!

  7. Beautiful card - thanks for sharing it with us at Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge.

    Helen x

  8. Fun birthday card :o) Thanks for joining us at LTSCB
    Tina dt

  9. Love this! Thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Hazelnut's Patterned Paper challenge.


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