21 February, 2021

Photo Challenge #7

 Photo challenge #7 : Thanks Lysha, this was quite a challenging list.

#7:  Progress, Sign, Picture of a picture, Selfie, Own choice.

Progress:  I tried several takes on this topic but ended up with this cyclamen plant that had a bud, full flowers, and dying flowers on the same plant.  I couldn't decide if this was progress or process!

Sign: We stopped here for lunch on our way to Rotorua.  The cafe was tiny, but had a great atmosphere - and this wonderful signage.

Picture of a picture:  I wanted the reflection so carefully placed it at the side and allowed it to become part of the picture.  The angle makes it part of the journey.

Selfie:  A sign of the times - Me, Covid 19 and summertime.

Own choice:  I found these cicada wings on the path today;  I presume a cat got it and ate the rest.  The wings are iridescent and sparkled in the sun - difficult to capture.

Thanks for the challenge Lysha.  See you next time.


  1. That is a neat reflection on your picture of a picture.

  2. Love all your pictures and great takes on the challenge
    Carol x

  3. Great pictures Carol, do love the wall in the cafe and the reflection in the picture is brilliant, you look well in your mask too..xxx

  4. Love how you captured the reflection in your picture of a picture, Carol!

  5. I like the "progress" and the "sign." And the wings are cool.

  6. Fabulous photos Carol. Love your cyclamen shot.
    Stay safe

  7. Great pictures Carol! Love the reflection in the picture of a picture!
    I've sadly skipped a couple weeks of photos! Busy times! Need to get back to it!

  8. So many great shots! Your selfie is lovely! The reflection in your pic of a pic is actually quite interesting. Thanks for joining in!


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