21 March, 2021

I Spy #11

 I Spy # 11  with Lysha.

The prompts this week are:  puzzle(d); journal; abstract; path, own choice.

Puzzled:  I do sudoku every day whenever I sit down for morning coffee, or on this day iced water (too hot for coffee).

Journal:  I don't keep a regular diary, but I do have several kinds of inspiration journals.  I don't like lines (I think they are limiting) and always use A5 sketchbooks, then I can write or paint or stick things...  If I have lines, I don't even get started.

Abstract:  We stayed in Mt Maunganui on Saturday night and walked to the mid-town market this  morning.  On the way I spotted this wall in an alleyway... wow!   I like the flash of blue sky with the black & white too.

Path:  On Saturday went to Mt Maunganui for an overnighter with friends and stayed in an apartment near the harbour.  We went for a walk at night and again in the early morning (love that early morning light) when I took this photo of my friend Jan.  Lots of paths we could choose in this one.

Own Choice:   I have been playing with photo effects in adobe.  On Friday Jan & I were down in Rotorua for a couple of days for a quilting class and this was a photo of the Friday night meal manipulated.  I love it and would love to have it blown up into a poster for the kitchen.  
Shall I show you the original photo?    Maybe right at the bottom  ;-D

This challenge week started off hard for inspiration and in the end all fell into place naturally.  

Shared on challenges:

Don't you think it looks more exciting manipulated?


  1. You take some brilliant pics for this challenge-love that wall!!!-and your photo technique
    Carol x

  2. I agree with Carol{crafty-stamper} about your pictures, they are always of great interest, LOVE the wall, I mean WOW and the plate of food defo should be a poster artwork, all wonderful Carol.xx

  3. Fabulous photos, Carol! Love that abstract wall and the photo editing looks amazing!

  4. I was just saying that I find unlined journals so intimidating! LOl. My handwriting is not neat enough for writing without lines. You have some fabulous photos-- I love that abstract wall and your photo editing turned out great.

  5. Love how you edited that photo!!! SO cool! And I think that is great you like journaling w/o lines. I am the opposite. I feel like I wouldn't know what to put on my pages if they were blank, or I would just doodle, which is fine. Love how we are all different. Have a great week.

  6. What a wonderful selection of photos. It is amazing how different that bottom photo looks from the original - such a cool effect.

  7. That looks like one awesome meal. Love all of the pictures. [Bunny]

  8. You really thought out of the box and several of these and I love it! Very cool last shot.

  9. I LOVE your own choice photo and the abstract one. Both of these pictures are amazing!


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