01 March, 2021

Photo Challenge #8

 Lysha's photo challenge #8

Weather, key, house, corner, own choice.

Weather:  we are past the middle of summer now and it is so dry - we need rain.  During the week these black clouds rolled in and then out again but still no rain.

Then we got wind, which dried everything out even more.

Then sun and heat and more heat and mugginess.

So we got a lot of weather this past week but none of it useful.

Key:  A wee while ago I went to a crafting session held at the local library which was an introduction to jewellery making.  My creation involved a key.  

here is the front... can you spot the key?

                                                                                and the back...

House:  taken early in the morning just as the sun is coming up.  The tree is a flowering cherry so the seasonal photos will be quite different.

Corner:  here is a corner of my home office cupboard taken this morning (2.45am, can't sleep) as I sit here doing this journal.

Own choice:  our big, fat, juicy grapes.  I love the colour of this; all those lovely shades of grey-green.

I hope you enjoy this little selection of my life.
Check out the challenge here: acameraandacookbook ispy-8/                            


  1. What a beautiful home! I hate when we just get a teasing rain without the actual rain especially in summer when it feels like everything could use a good soaking. I hope you get some rain soon.

  2. Great selection and choice of photos -a brilliant challenge---love the house
    Carol x

  3. Lovely photos Carol. You have plenty of options for weather at the moment as it seems to be constantly changing but as you say no rain..
    I like the photo of your house with the shadows of the tree on it. Your grapes look yummy too.

  4. I love how you covered the season and snippets of your life Carol, is there anything nicer than a line of washing blowing on a line, even in a gale haha, your home looks beautiful as do the grapes, I hope you finally got some sleep and some rain comes your way to freshen things up abit.xx

  5. Love the laundry blowing in the wind! Great capture!! And perfect picture of your house with that morning light.

  6. The laundry blowing in the wind is such a great photo! And those days when clouds roll in but don't bring much needed rain are so disappointing. Do you grow the grapes? I LOVE grapes freshly picked and warmed by the sun.

  7. Finally, overnight we got rain!! YAY!!
    Yes they are our grapes.

  8. Oh, we have such wind here in far west Texas. If I had a clothesline, things would dry before I could get them hung up!! I do have a drying rack that I use a lot. Lovely photo of the laundry blowing about.

    And that key. What a genius craft activity. Another fellow blogger, Lauren at Shooting Stars Mag, attends some fabulous craft classes at her public library. I am always envious of the beautiful things she makes.


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