07 March, 2021

I SPY #9

 Lysha's photo challenge #9

This week the challenge is: Scrambled, sparkle, kitchen object, get low, own choice.


This is a postcard I have on the wall in my office cubby.  I have had it for years, don't know where I got it, but it always makes me smile because ofetn my barin wroks fatser tahn my figners on the kyebaord!


These jandals/flipflops I have had for at least five years.  I wear them in the house because they make my heart happy.

Kitchen Object:  Egg Skelter

As you may know by now, I have chickens (Roxie, Ruby, Cilla, Betsy, Topsy, Jackie, Rosie, Spicy & Beanie).  You put the eggs in the top, they roll down the skelter and you take them from the bottom, so the eggs will be used in the freshness order in which they are laid.  This view is looking down from the top - I think it makes a nice pattern.

Get Low:

Some little Basil plants growing in a baked bean can.  The camera is on the ground.

Own choice: 

Misty early morning from my craft room window.  Because I don't sleep well, I often have lovely early morning moments and see amazing sunrises.  This particular morning, above the mist the sky is blue, promising another lovely sunny day.

That's it for me this week.  I took lots of photos for this weeks inspiration and found it hard to choose ones that might interest you, the viewer.

Shared on challenge: acameraandacookbook - ispy-9


  1. Carol I really enjoy these posts of yours, you take some amazing photos, the top one made me smile, so true, the flip flops are so glam, the egg 'thingy' is a great idea and the beans can is fab,but mostly I love the view, how beautiful, abit of natures handy work.xxx

  2. Lovely set of photos Carol.
    I can totally relate to the keyboard issues - I don't know how many times I have to backspace to correct the order of words (already had to in this comment!)
    We have a few misty mornings around our area. I have a feeling you might of taken this one on Friday morning.

  3. What a beautiful misty landscape! That egg holder is so neat.

  4. Great card - love the yellow rose and all your photos are really awesome.

  5. Wonderful photos, Carol! I love how you took the "scrambled" prompt! So perfect! That misty view out your office window is breathtaking!!! I am almost done with my photos and will share tomorrow. I am still deciding on the "photographer's choice" one.

  6. You find some great pics for this challenge I love the egg holder and can relate to the keyboard thingy too-fabulous flip flops I have about three pairs one leather and cork and some really comfy padded ones hate wearing shoes or boots
    Carol x

  7. I have seen that "scrambled" saying before and I love how the brain works! And that egg skelter is so cool! I've never heard of that and what a GREAT idea! I love the photo too :)


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