04 April, 2021

i Spy #13

 Another week of inspiration for the iSpy challenge.

This week the prompts were Sepia, White, Street, starts with K, own choice.

Sepia:  I thought my old clock on the bookcase would look good in sepia.   I like how the shapes show up more in sepia/monochrome - the straight lines, curves, angles.   Huh? I just realised the hands of the clock are lined up!

White:  This furbaby is the first thing I ever won.  It was in the 1980's - in a competition for a catfood company. Fluffy lives in our guest bedroom and likes white bedlinen.

Street:  This is our street:   We live in the country (but just outside the city) on a small block (1 hectare) among other small blocks. Our letterbox is the middle, the red one with the chicken on top.  The autumn leaves from the row of gold ash trees over the road line the sides like a leafy parade (they are just out of shot).  Every time a car goes by they ruffle and stir and twirl, then give a sigh and settle down again until the next car comes by (it looks so pretty).  As each car passes they work their way to the sides of the road.

Starts with a K:  this has to be Kiwifruit.  It is coming up to harvest time for Kiwifruit in NZ, and Ian and I love to help out our friends in their kiwifruit orchard.  I love to walk amongst the vines when they are in flower (it is like fairyland, with the blossoms all hanging down like ballerinas), and again when the fruit hangs heavy ready to be picked.  The mobility scooters are handy for working under the vines as when they are heavy with fruit they hang lower and lower - you can see here Ian has to stoop.  We wear hats because otherwise hair gets tangled in the vines and you get covered in dust and vegetation.

Own Choice:  A bright spot of colour and a friendly bumble.

Lysha, I am so enjoying this experience.  I have always taken lots of photos, but never in such a directed way.  It certainly makes you more aware of what you're seeing.  Thanks for that.  CarolG

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  1. Another lovely set of photos Carol. My favourite would be the white one.
    Nice seeing the autumn colours down your street. I remember my Dad growing some kiwifruit in the home garden and how low they hang. It was only a few plants - nothing like what is in your photo!

  2. Carol I love to see your pics. and this little lot are so interesting. I have never seen Kiwi fruit growing so thats an education there, the flower with the bee is precious, love the cat on the white bed and the postbox at the front of your homes is a lovely site, mostly love the clock, it looks beautiful.
    Happy Easter.xx

  3. Fabulous shots Carol - you do like Nora Roberts don't you :). Love your street scene, and I could just see the leaves moving as I read your description!
    Stay safe

  4. This is a brilliant challenge and love all your pics -love the street one and the Bee on the flower
    Carol x

  5. Just seen your comment on my blog-look forward to seeing your crazy bunny quilt
    Carol x

  6. I spy with my little eye.....these are beautiful pictures. [Bunny]

  7. I really like that show with the Kiwifruit. I eat kiwi but had no idea what it looked like still on the tree!

  8. You gave me a beautiful picture in my mind as you told about the street you live on, Carol. I really enjoyed that. Thank you! Love that you have that chicken on your mailbox.

  9. Oh my gosh -- picking kiwifruit sounds so fun! But also like a lot of work :) And your description of the leaves on your street is so poetic.


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