11 April, 2021

iSpy #14

 We are already onto Lysha's challenge iSpy #14!!

This week it's:   Wood,   Music,   Easter or Sunday,   Button,   own choice.

WOOD:  I didn't have to go far for this.  Ian does woodturning and stuff like that , so here is ONE pile of his wood stash.  You may notice it is full of cobwebs, hmm, not used that often.   I like that it makes a kind of abstract pattern.  Maybe I'll try some manipulation as well. 

MUSIC:  Unfortunately we aren't musical (I love music; wish I was, I have tried), and don't have musical friends/family nearby, so I decided to go outside the box.  It has rained all day today and we have this big puddle collects on our driveway, perfect for my boat.  The boat is folded from old sheet music that I keep in my card making stash.

EASTER or SUNDAY:  Our youngest daughter Lauren stayed over Easter weekend, so what happens? Chocolate happens of course.  This little plate seemed to have chocolate on it all weekend, and it all seemed to vanish.  I know... it was that naughty bunny!

BUTTON:  One night our son and his family joined us for dinner and a game of Family Feud.  The grandkids love to use these buttons when they want to answer a question.  The buttons have lots of ways of saying the word, so it can get a bit chaotic.

OWN CHOICE:  Sorry, it's another one of my tadpoles/frogs.  Some of the other frogs have hopped away down to the creek, but this little one is still hanging around, and sits sunning itself on the rock.
They are so pretty with their gold racing stripes.

You might have noticed I'm a bit obsessed with reflections and can't resist (3 pics this time).
I can't wait to see what our next prompts are!  All my photos are taken on my Samsung phone.

Shared on challenge:  ispy-2021

the WOOD photo using Photoshop

See what is happening here:  acameraandacookbook-ispy-14


  1. You always find perfect pics for these prompts and it amazes me how chocolate stayed on the plate lol,love the little frog looks as though he still has his tail yet-the last fabulous pic of the wood would make a brilliant B,paper!
    Carol x

  2. Another set of lovely photos. I have to agree with Carol about the last pic. Would love to see you making a card with it.

  3. WOW Carol you have the most wonderful imagination, to even think of the music sheet, I would've been stumped with that one alone, I just love to see your photographs I really do and the wood one before and after, brilliant.xx

  4. I love your music sheet boat! That was such a clever idea. Your little frog is so cute; we raised tadpoles one year and it was so fun to see them changing.

  5. Beautiful pictures, Carol! Loving the paper boat photo, so clever and fun!! And how cute is that tadpole!!

  6. Now, when you said "naughty bunny" you weren't referring to me were you? ha ha

    Love your pictures.

  7. Aha! so it was you Bunny! How did your chocolate go?

  8. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your music photo!!! Such a FUN one!!!!

  9. Stunning photos Carol, and I love your take (pardon the pun) on the music theme!!
    Stay safe

  10. Your music photo is great and I also really like the collection of wood.


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