09 May, 2021

iSpy # 18

 iSpy #18 photo challenge

This week the prompts are:  Mail, How you feel today, Reduce-reuse-recycle, shoot from the hip, own choice.

Mail:  this has got to be our mailbox.  Tin Chooky stands guard.

How you feel today:  Slim.  Well ...  slimmer.  I took this in a bathroom at a quilting class. Everyone at the class was amazed at this mirror that takes 3 kg off when you visit the bathroom!!

Reduce-reuse-recycle:  These are our two swivelling composting barrels.  You just rotate them every day and it makes compost fast.  You really need two, one that you add fresh stuff to, and one that is maturing.  They are positioned by the herb garden midway between the house and the vegetable garden (in the background, fenced to keep out rabbits, pukeko and chickens).  It all goes back onto our garden when it's ready.   When done, it is almost black, rich and crumbly and doesn't smell at all.

Shoot from the hip:   This was a hard thing to do with a phone! I just snapped away at everything in the hope that something would be useable.  It is slightly out of focus, but I figured I couldn't miss a hydrangea bush. I love the afternoon light coming through - a happy accident.

Own choice:  When I was collecting the mail the other day I discovered these little toadstools growing on an old tree stump just inside our gate.  The next day they were withered away and I wouldn't have even noticed them.  I love the textures in this photo.  Taken the same time as the hydrangea, late afternoon light.

All taken on my Samsung mobile phone.

Shared on Lysha's iSpy challenge:  acameraandacookbook ispy-18


  1. All fabulous pictures again Carol love the textures on the last one with the toadstools
    carol x

  2. What bright pretty mailboxes! I love the lighting of the hydrangea photo and what a fun find with those mushrooms.

  3. I love seeing your pics Carol, the mailboxes are so colourful, you look really great and btw I have a mirror that slims me down {all I can say is thank heavens on that one } and I love to see around your gardens, so much space, great set again, thanks for sharing.xx

  4. Um.....where do we get these mirrors? Great pictures, too. [Bunny]

  5. Great pictures Carol! The mail box is so cute and great way to re-use. I tried composting but really need barrels like the ones you have to make it worthwhile. Then of course I wouldn't have the space for them...I think.

  6. I would love a mirror that made everyone else see me skinnier haha! Really great pictures, I've always thought about composting and have never done anything about it, sigh.

  7. I love the toadstools picture! And that composting system seems really ingenuous!


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