16 May, 2021

iSpy #19

 iSpy challenge #19

This week the prompts are: Selfie (spring), Nuts, Sticker, Blue, own choice.

SELFIE (spring): Sorry it's not spring here, it's late autumn.  This is taken yesterday while we were out at our friends orchard during their kiwifruit harvesting.  We help with quality control at the bins.  The hat is to stop hair getting caught in the vines and the mask is because of dust and the little kiwi hairs that float around in the air.

NUTS:  This is another aha! moment when I just happened to be making some carrot & nut muffins, and when I started chopping the nuts I remembered it was a prompt. Yay!  And I know someone will wonder about the colour of the butter ... no, it is not artificially coloured, it is because our cows are kept on pasture (not barns) and eat fresh grass all year round.  

STICKER:  At the moment we are trying to go through our stuff to downsize and I came across these boxes with STICKERS from our covid lockdown in April last year when we had to get food delivered.  Wow, that seems ages ago now.

BLUE:  I love the colour of this plumbago - sky blue and so pretty and it's still flowering!  Just wait until we have our first frost ... then it will be gone until next summer.

OWN CHOICE: This week it has to be the view from our friend's deck at the orchard.  I had been in the vines until after school and was back at the house doing childminding, when I noticed this fabulous evening sky against Mt Pirongia (dormant volcano).

Check out the amazing inspiration of Lysha and others at:  ispy-19


  1. More brilliant pics for the the prompts -love that evening sky and the ingredients pic,miss having our own eggs and having to buy them!
    Carol x

  2. What beautiful blue flowers! That evening sky is so pretty.

  3. Lovely pictures. I'd like to walk through the kiwi orchard. [Bunny]

  4. I can't even imagine walking through a Kiwi orchard Carol, it looks amazing though and that view, wow, the butter and cakes look very yummy, some fabulous pictures once again.xx

  5. Great photos Carol - that cloud formation was fabulous - love the look of your muffins! nice to see a mask being used for other than infection control :)
    I know the feeling of downsizing - I have been through one, and there will be more to come at a later date, no doubt!
    Stay safe


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