23 May, 2021

iSpy #20

 iSpy #20

This week the prompts are: House (spring quarterly), UpsideDown, Happy Things, Ink, own choice.

House (spring quarterly): remember we are now in late autumn!  How gloomy it all looks, grey sky with the sun hardly showing through the cloud.  Also the lawnmower is broken again - you can see Ian did two swoops before it broke.

Upside down:  At the moment we are trying to down size and I spent a morning outside with garden chores - sorting,  repotting and tossing stuff we don't want when we move next year.   Empty pots are upside down.  Look at all those textures.

Happy things:  This week we went to Auckland (2 hours away) for the Van Gogh Alive exhibition.  We saw the story of his life and his letters along with his paintings supersized.  He was sad, but his paintings were happy.
but the really happy thing for Ian was the promotional electric porsche painted with one of Vincent's Starry Sky paintings!

INK:  A little selection of ink on my desk!  One thing I love to do is get inky when I create.  And yes, my desk is always 'busy'.

MY CHOICE:  While in Auckland for the Van Gogh Alive, we stayed overnight with our daughter Lauren who has an an apartment on the fifth floor of the building which is one street back from Ponsonby Road.   This is the city skyline taken early in the morning just as the sun came up.  I love the subtle hues (? 50 shades of grey?)  and the geometric shapes with nature making a burst here and there!

Check out the challenge, here:  ispy-20


  1. Wonderful photos Carol. Love the ones of your pots, and the skyline is stunning. Ian looks in his element beside the Porsche!!
    Stay safe

  2. Great pics once again Carol, what a beautiful property you live on.xx

  3. You always come up with great pics for the prompts and your house looks amazing
    Carol x

  4. You have such a beautiful home! That art exhibit looks fantastic.

  5. My favorite painting is Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. I even love the song by Don McClean called Vincent's Song.

    Where are y'all moving? Any move would be great to start getting rid of "things" and "schtuff". We all could use a down size. [Bunny]

  6. Fantastic pics! Thanks for sharing.

  7. That art exhibit looks amazing!


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