01 June, 2021

iSpy #21

 iSpy #21 challenge

This week the prompts were:  Smooth, Window, Pattern, Red, Your choice.

SMOOTH:  Aha, another spur of the moment photo-op, reminding me of the iSpy challenge.  Here I have some homemade bread with smooth peanut butter!!  Usually I like crunchy peanut butter but when we have these lovely textured seed breads I like smooth.  No, not my make, Ian makes the bread in our house. 

WINDOW:  Now this was one that I wanted to capture the inside of the house and the outside as well as the reflections of the trees.  What was a surprise, was I caught the reflection of me as well, and I liked the whole thing (and decided not to edit me out).  We have white wood blinds all around the sunny areas of the house to control the sun.  Did you know NZ has one of the highest UV rates in the world?

PATTERN:  We were recently on a farm and while Ian was busy looking around, I had my own look around and happened to take several shots of lovely textures and patterns, and this is one of them: a loading ramp for cows.

RED:  How red are these lantern peppers?  And so shiny, and they would qualify for smooth as well - they look like plastic..  They look great hanging on the bush but there are so many leaves they are hard to photograph.  And the red looks so punchy against the old blue bench seat that sits in a corner of the garden.

OWN CHOICE: When we walk down to the gate to get the mail there is always something to see.  This week the highlight was this toadstool.  While we have plenty of all kinds of fungi from time to time, we have never seen a fairy one like this the whole time we have been here.

Shared on challenge:

Cheers, I hope you like some of these glimpses into my life.  Check out the inspiration of others and maybe even join in yourself.


  1. Fabulous work Carol - love that window photo!
    Stay safe

  2. Carol these are wonderful pics again, love the window one with you in it, and that bread looks pretty good to me too, but the fairy toadstool, how lucky to find that, never seen one ever, thats brilliant.xx

  3. I love those lantern peppers; I have never seen that variety before. I didn't realize NZ had such high UV rates.

  4. I love both the fairy mushroom and the lantern peppers. Great photos!


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