07 June, 2021

iSpy #22

 It iSpy time again!    

iSpy #22 prompts are: Floral Print, Orange, Starts with'F', Fork, own choice.

FLORAL PRINT:  From my scrap fabric bin a selection of left over Kaffe Fassett fabrics from when I sewed my Covid 19 quilt last year.

ORANGE:  Maybe you won't recognise these, let me know what you think they are.  I like this photo because of the complementary colours - so fabulous.                                            (answer at bottom of post)

STARTS with an 'F'.  This is my collection of feathers.  As I wander around I collect them and it's amazing the variety I have.  The big one is a pheasant tail feather - we rarely find these - from one of our resident male pheasants who wander through our property each morning.  The other feathers are mainly from our hens, and the odd eastern rosella parrots that visit from time to time.  I also use them on my cards when appropriate.

FORK:  Here is Ian's wall of forks in the garden shed.  I think they make a lovely collection.

OWN CHOICE:  Here is the last of the autumn leaves from the tui cherry trees.  I love the look of the deciduous trees against the evergreens.  Here we are in June, the first month of winter and today it's 20 deg C.  no wonder the trees have been slow to lose their leaves this year!

Check out Lysha's iSpy challenge and join in, here:  ispy-22

****PS: the orange items are electric fence standards.


  1. As you know I love the 'i spy' posts Carol, this one has me puzzled, no idea what the orange things are, the things hung on are those stretchy things but the orange, you have to tell us, haha. Great set of pics again Carol.xx

  2. I recognised the electric fence posts :) A bit of the country girl here ...
    Love your printed fabrics, and those feathers are gorgeous. We also have an Eastern Rosella in the neighbourhood
    Stay safe

  3. Love all your pics and never seen electric fence posts before so had no idea lol
    Carol x

  4. What beautiful floral prints and colors. I cheated by reading above so that's the only way I know what the orange things are.

  5. I love your orange photo and your interpretation of "fork."

  6. I left the answer at the bottom of the post!

  7. Love the orange and teal in your "orange" shot. And how clever are you to take pics of the yard forks.


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