28 June, 2021

iSpy # 25

 iSpy #25

27 June

Prompts for this past week were hardware, stairs, stick, purple, own choice.

The weather this week has been appalling - rain, rain, and more rain.  Usually in June we have frosts, sunny days, clear and cold, but it has been wet and warmish ... and very dreary with only the odd spot of sunshine.

HARDWARE:  I sneaked a look into Ian's workshop for this one.   I don't know what he was working on, but there was some sort of plan on the bench.

STAIRS:  Now this time I am going into the archives.  Because we can't travel overseas because of Covid, I thought you might like a trip to Toulouse, France.  I have been doing a bit of travelling via my photos; it is so nice to revisit and enjoy them all over again.  I came across these amazing stairs that were in the hotel we stayed at.  What a lovely pattern it makes.

STICK:  Here is a stick man our granddaughter Rhiannon made from leaves, straw, and things she found.

PURPLE:  I don't have a lot of purple in my life, all I could find is this clematis growing along our rail fence.  The other flowers bloomed ages ago - you can see the seedheads.

Own Choice:  Still some leaves to fall.  Later this week we are supposed to have a polar blast, so I guess the last leaves are likely to abandon ship.   I like the contrast between the deciduous tree and the background evergreens.   Autumn has been very pretty this year. 

Have a look and see what Lysha and others are doing, here:  ispy-2021


  1. I love the stick man. That's something I'd still build if I was outside playing. [Bunny]

  2. Fabulous photos Carol - the staircase reminds me of the one in Lanarch Castle, which I photographed from the top, too :) have you seen it?
    Is it a passion flower or clematis - looks more like the latter to me.
    Stay safe

  3. That stick man is so cute! I really like your fall leaf and purple photos too.

  4. You are right Maxine it is a clematis. I will change that. C

  5. A wonderful set of pics again Carol, I really look forward to these you know.
    I also love to hear what your weather is doing, its amazing to me that its winter time for you and also how our weather has changed worldwide, we used to get beautiful crisp, clear September days, now its wet wet wet, sound familiar..haha...xxx

  6. Great pics for the prompts and love the little stick man -sounds like here we have had a lot of rain-only thing is it's our Summer!
    Carol x

  7. Hi Carol just seen your comment about Crafters Cafe challenge but you can only enter 10 other challenges too
    Carol x

  8. Oh, I LOVE that stairs photo!!! And the stick man is too cute!


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