01 July, 2021

Birthday Hocus Pocus


At 2 Crafty Critter Crazies we are all about Critters.  Always.
Check out the design team inspiration, and enter here:  

Thanks to Jan's Digis for the image supplied, get it here:  hocus-pocus

Images (skullbooks, raven, HP sentiment): Jan's Digis hocus-pocus
HB sentiment: Pixel Scrapper
Circuitboard BP: Mel Stampz
Film, ants graphics: Pixel Scrapper
Also: Copics, Glossy Accents, D.Inks, gold interference mist, twine

I made this for our grandson who is into Edgar Allen Poe and his stories.
Shared on challenges:


  1. Love the images Carol, a gorgeous card again.xx

  2. Great card and images love all the little ants
    Carol x

  3. Beautiful card. Thank you for joining us at CRAFT Challenge. Greetings Sylvia Hoekman-DT.

  4. A gorgeous card Thank you for joining us at CRAFT Challenge Blog challenge. Good luck Ginny DT for
    CRAFT Challenge Blog
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  5. Love where you have stamped the Happy Birthday, just above the hocus pocus title :)! Great card Carol.
    Stay safe

  6. Hi Carol. Kong time since we have talked. I just love your card. Lovely details. Thank you for joining us at Crafty Gals Corner this week Hope to see you work back here again soon. Judy DT


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