13 August, 2021

iSpy #31

Lysha's iSpy photo challenge 

I'm a bit late this week but here goes: prompts were Bliss, 2 of a kind, Starts with B, Beginnings, your choice.  It's been cold and wet this week, and we are told to expect more in the coming week.  So mostly indoor photos.

Bliss:  Nothing more blissful on a cold rainy day than a bit of me-time with fruit tea and a book, unless it is breakfast in bed, and you're not going to get a photo of that!

Two of  kind:  Strawberries, oh so yum.

Starts with B:  our garden is just starting to bud up for spring, but really the only colour at the moment is from these Berries left from the summer flowering in January and February.

Beginnings:  This is kind of a beginning and an ending.  We are preparing to move house and have started sorting to downsize and packing things we don't need immediately.  It is the beginning of a new era for us, moving from a hectare of countryside surrounded by trees, to a retirement village surrounded by houses and people.  Eeek!

Own choice: A wet winters day and nothing better than homemade.  Bread and soup for lunch - Ian makes the bread and I make the soup!

Well that's the week for me.

Check out the other offerings here: acameraandacookbook/ispy-31


  1. Great pics and takes on the prompts-good luck with your packing and downsizing
    Carol x

  2. Oh Carol, what a huge change that will be for you - all the best!!
    Loving your choices and photos - I noted the chocolate biscuit with the fruit tea :)
    Stay safe

  3. Wonderful pictures Carol, I feel sad that your moving, but I don't really like change, I hope you will be happy and not miss all that freedom too much.xx

  4. Great pictures. The food looks so yummy and comforting.

    Moving from the country? Oh, mercy. I hope the adjustment will be easy. Having neighbors on top of you is not fun. We wished we lived further out but that comes with losing all the comforts that are close to us. It's a difficult decision. I hope that y'all will definitely be happy with the move. I'll be praying for y'all. [Bunny]

  5. Great photos - What a change and you've not long finished your reno. Best of luck with your downsizing and the move.

  6. Oh, now I'm ready for cooler mornings with a hot drink and a good book and soup and bread for supper. Yum! Enjoy the coziness while it lasts.

  7. Nothing better than warm soup on a dreary day. Gorgeous shot of strawberries.


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