15 August, 2021

iSpy #32

 iSpy #32  joining in with Lysha's photography challenge.

Prompts this week were:

Watch, selfie (quarterly), intersection, hidden, own choice.

WATCH:  This is a thrush who lives in our garden.   This is taken from inside the house.  She watches us watching her watching us ...

SELFIE (quarterly)  Wet and cold, remember it's winter here in NZ.

INTERSECTION:  Morning sun; I liked the shapes and shadows intersecting in the window frames.

HIDDEN:  Can you spot the two eastern rosella parrots sitting in our apple tree?  I couldn't get any closer before they flew away.

OWN CHOICE:  This was taken on a day when the sun struggled to come through the cloud (neighbour's house); at last we are on our way to spring and summer!  

That's this weeks offering.  

Check out Lysha's photography challenge here: acameraandacookbook/ispy-32

OK Bunny, here is an internet photo of an eastern rosella parrot.  I can never get close enough for a decent photo.


  1. Great pics I love the Thrush and wow fancy seeing rosella parrots flying wild
    carol x

  2. Great pictures. I love the thrush. Now I'm watching her watching you. I would love to see a close up of the other birds. [Bunny]

  3. another series of lovely photos Carol.

  4. Love your 'watcher', Carol. Apparently I have a tree in the backyard of the rental that Eastern Rosellas come to in spring when it flowers. I have seen one around a couple of times, but not on the tree... soon, hopefully.
    Stay safe

  5. Love the photo of the thrush - so clear, even from inside! I think the blue and white umbrella adds a whimsical touch to the selfie, brightening up the wet and cold. Glad spring is on its way for you!

  6. Love your bird photos! I can certainly see the rainbow birds once you mentioned them in hidden.

  7. I like your choice for "intersection." There are so many cool interpretations of that among the I Spy bloggers. And I see one "hidden" parrot but not the other one.

  8. Thanks Natasha, the other parrot is facing the brighter one, but is on the other side of the branches so looks a lot paler. If you click on the photo you might spot it. CarolG

  9. Amazing to have parrots in your backyard. How lovely!


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