22 August, 2021

iSpy #33

 iSpy #33  Lysha's weekly challenge.

The prompts this week are: Stuck, House quarterly, ink, Starts with 'C', own choice.

Stuck:  Yes I have lots of chooky stuff and this pincushion is my fave.  The pins stuck in don't hurt at all!

House Quarterly:  Luckily my daffodils came out this week, and are such a welcome sign of spring, so I had to include them of course.

Ink:  One of my hobbies is cardmaking and I love to get inky and messy.  I made inked backgrounds and also use the inks as water colours as I'm doing here.  You can see some inky backgrounds, plus the stencilled clouds on the card in the foreground.

Starts with 'C':  curly bits on some wall art.

Your choice:  I am so glad to see these tui cherry trees blossoming as it means I can stop feeding sugar water to tui and waxeyes.  From now on they will have lots of nectar to sip because after this they will have a continuity of  nectar from kowhai trees , then flaxes etc etc until next autumn. 

That's all for this week.  Check out Lysha's challenge here:  acameraandacookbook ispy-2021


  1. Your pin cushion is so cute! I love all those blooming daffodils and we had a very similar idea for ink.

  2. I always enjoy your pictures. I had to see what the birds looked like as I've never even heard of them. Very unique. What a great pin cushion too. I've seen these before and they are cute. My favorite is the daffodils in bloom. Oh how fun to see them. Don't move. Y'all are going to hate it. Okay, maybe not. But I will! [Bunny]

  3. Love your interpretation of 'stuck!' Beautiful shot of your house.

  4. Hi Carol, as you know I always look forward to seeing the i spy posts, this one is so nice, love to see the daffs, and the tree coming to life....ours will soon be going to sleep for the winter....the wall art looks pretty and the pin cushion is fun, and always love your backgrounds for your cards.
    Hope your having a nice weekend, stay safe.xxx

  5. I always love your photographic posts, and how you interpret the challenges.
    Your daffodils look beautiful - I have some in pots that I grabbed before I left the other house, and they came out this past week - a bright spot on a rather depressing week.
    Stay safe

  6. Beautiful takes on the prompts as always I love your chook pin cushion and you will definitely miss all the nature when you move
    Carol x

  7. Love seeing the different interpretations of "stuck"! Happy spring! The daffodils and cherry blossoms look so cheerful

  8. Hey Bunny
    Unfortunately we need to move. Ian has Parkinsons and is starting to get more signs and symptoms, hence the need to move. We won't be able to keep up with the work this property needs and the move will be to a one level house with grounds taken care of. We would rather move while we can control it, than to have to do it as a crisis. We will still be in a nearby village, so familiar territory. There are positives to the move, yes I will miss the birds and tree, but wont have to worry so much about Ian. CarolG

  9. I love seeing the signs of spring! Daffodils always make me happy :)


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