30 August, 2021

iSpy #34

 iSpy #34   Lysha's Photographic challenge

Prompts this week are:  ornate, spicy, roll, muted, own choice.

Hi there, it's been a strange week, with weird weather, lockdown etc. 

Ornate:  It was my birthday this past week, and we are in the middle of a level 4 lockdown, so it was just me and Ian.  To lend a festive atmosphere, we had a celebratory morning tea and I got dressed up and wore my pearls and an ornate tiara. 

Spicy:  Pretty lantern peppers in our garden.

Roll:  During lockdown I have been trying new recipes.  This is a Sweet Chilli, Ham & Cream Cheese roll.  It didn't roll very well because the ham was cut a bit thick.  Next time I will use thinner ham.  A delicious lunch though.

Muted:   succulents are generally muted in colour as is this one (a soft gray blue), but I decided to mute it even more by converting it to black & white.

Own choice:  This week in our road we have lambs, YAY!  This mama had a cute little lamb from this magnificent papa.  They are self-shearing sheep (that's why his wool is coming off in patches), but I don't know what breed they are.

well, that's all folks!

Check out other's interpretations of the prompts, here:  acameraandacookbook.com/ispy-34


  1. Great pics once again I love your tiara and the little lamb-I did absolutely loads of baking during lockdown too never made so many cakes!
    Carol x

  2. WOW - some more great shots Carol - love that roll, that looks amazing. Love your tiara - of course you had to put on your pearls and tiara for your birthday!!
    I have a friend who runs self shearing sheep also. Like you I can't remember the name of the breed.
    Stay safe

  3. Hi Carol, a very belated Happy birthday to you, looks like you had a nice time, love the tiara, it looks 'splendid' :} those sweet lambs are gorgeous and your plants are beautiful
    the baking looks like it was a success, I am forever baking and I really shouldn't, thankfully mine can get shipped off to the kids but in lockdown I paid a price for to many goodies haha.
    Take care and stay safe lovely lady.xxx

  4. Happy (belated) birthday! I hope it was a good one, despite the lockdown. I love your succulent picture.

  5. I especially love the birthday tiara and the self shearing sheep. Who knew there were self shearing sheep? These are great. [Bunny]

  6. Happy birthday! Your crown is very ornate. Those succulents almost remind me of pinecones all bleached of their color; what a neat photo.

  7. Hope you had a lovely birthday! My favorite is the lantern peppers.


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