28 August, 2021

Wrong Man

This stamp arrived in the mail on Thursday, what a great image to play with.   I stamped Mr Wrong on white card and also stamped on scrap paper for a mask.  With the mask on his face, I smooshed, spritzed, misted, sprayed and splattered. What fun.

Stamp:  Stampers Anonymous

Sentiment: Stampers anonymous (snarky cats)

Also: D.Inks, Perfect Pearls gold, white acrylic paint, Glossy Accents

Shared on challenges:

simonsaysstamp monday-spritz splatter



wednesdaychallenge simon-says-anything-goes



girlzrebel-6-Blues-opt tags


  1. Fabulous card and image,great sentiment and background you created
    Carol x

  2. He’s such a fun character and what a fun saying too. You’ve done a great job. I really love that background.

  3. I would have said the wrong guy was the first man I married. Ha Ha Ha! This is a fun card and sentiment. Love the glossy accents you added. [Bunny]

  4. Love this! I like the glossy accents on his monocle and what wonderful spritzing, smooching, splattering, etc. It looks like you had a blast. I've been thinking about buying John Lennon (that's what I call this stamp, because that is who I think he looks like) but haven't taken the plunge yet. Thanks for the inspiration and for linking this up over at THTSB.

  5. Just aweosme Carol. It's a great card.

  6. A fun card Carol - an awesome image and I love the background you gave him, and that scarlet collar looks amazing! Great sentiment too :)
    Stay safe

  7. He is awesome Carol, what a fabulous card.xx

  8. A perfect card for our challenge theme, Carol, and I love that image! The sentiment is so true. lol Putting on a DT hat - Thanks for playing along in our "Funny" challenge at Creative Knockouts this week, and good luck in the draw.
    NanaConnie DT

  9. Such a great card and unusual image that you have used perfectly. Thank you for joining in the TTCRD challenge. Debbie DT

  10. Oh, how fun!! That sentiment . . . (why is it so true!??) Fabulous background! Thanks for playing with The House That Stamps Built.

  11. Ha ha! This sure is a fun one Carol!

    Thank you for playing along with us at Creative Knockouts! I hope you join again this week!


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