03 October, 2021

iSpy #39

 Lyshas photographic challenge is always that: a challenge.

This week the prompts were cook, outside, hair, shadow, your choice.

COOK: I rediscovered my grandmother's cast iron gem irons the other day and talk about a walk down memory lane.  I think gem irons are a New Zealand thing; all I could find out said they were.  SO I made ginger gems and it took me right back to my childhood (oh, that spicy smell).  These are one of the few things I have of my grandmother's.  It felt like she was standing right next to me.  This is before they went in the oven; after they came out they didn't hang around long enough to get a photo!

OUTSIDE:  Today is a beautiful spring day and sitting out on the deck for a cuppa, I spied this cobweb on one of the chairs.  Looking at the web design, I think the spider was having a quiet spliff somewhere.   Where oh where is the housework fairy?  

HAIR:  This is a visit to the archives, a bit of a cheat I know, but fun!  For Ian's 70th birthday we had a Star Wars Murder Mystery party with a few friends.  Here is Ian with his Rod Stewart hair! and his assistant, me.

SHADOW:  This shadow is my trellis and climbing roses and I thought I'd give you a wave to say hello!  

YOUR CHOICE:  This is a New Zealand kowhai tree (pronounced cor-fai) in our wild area, it's our national flower along with the red pohutukawa.  This tree follows the tui cherry in the spring feeding continuity for TUI (our national bird, a nectar feeder).  They seem to get drunk on the nectar.  I have heard (don't know how true it is) that sometimes they even fall out of the tree.

I hope you enjoy this week's lineup.  Have a wonderful week.

Check our Lysha's photographic challenge, here:  ispy-39


  1. Oh yes, those ginger gems...bliss. I had both a cast iron and aluminium gem trays, but the cast iron always gave the best gems!
    Another great selection of photos Carol. Love the Murder Mystery shot too!
    Stay safe

  2. This is a belter Carol, the last one about the birds being drunk had me in stitches, how wonderful. Your Grandmas cakes look great and so do you and Ian on his big day, what fun, the web defo needs a tidy up :))and thanks for the wave.xxx

  3. These are brilliant love the murder mystery pic,the birds getting drunk and that spider has definitely lost the plot lol
    Carol x

  4. I can only imagine what drunk birds must look and act like! That's so wild. Your ginger gems sound delicious and I think it's just great that the smell brings you right back to your grandmother.

  5. I'm quite intrigued by ginger gems - they look and sound delicious! Good memories too. I had a good laugh at your comments about the drunk birds and the spider possibly being a bit tipsy as well. That certainly is an unusual web!

  6. I have never heard of ginger gems....will definitely have to look into those more!! But how wonderful to stumble across that treasure! Love those kinds of memories (so many of my best memories involve the kitchen and/or food!!)

  7. I love the shadow picture and the spider web. Also, thank you for always teaching me something new when you talk about New Zealand.


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