18 October, 2021

iSpy #41

 iSpy #41

Every week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday).  It's always wonderful to see how people are inspired.

The prompts this week are: Mess, Patch, Mystery, Funny, Own choice.

Mess:  Here is the woodshed.  We don't have a fire anymore, so this is what becomes an unused woodshed.  The firewood is waiting for our son to come and collect

Patch:  My address book which is falling to bits and is patched using fancy duct tape.

Mystery:  It is a mystery to us as we watch the seasons go by and the birds appear and disappear at random times, obviously following food sources.  This week the parrots are back, having been away for a couple of months.  I took this from the dining room through the blinds, as they would have flown away if I'd gone outside.  At the moment poa annua is in seed in the lawn and we are seeing lots of seed-feeding birds on the ground like sparrows and quail.

Funny:  Holly, one of our granddaughters - I love that face!

Own choice: A swallow.  This li'l fella must have come into the garage when the door was open and then stayed quiet until I arrived and started in on the decluttering again.  It was easy to catch between two pieces of paper against the window, and didn't seem fazed at all with being held.  So tiny and beautiful.

Enjoy the world this week, and check in on the challenge, here: ispy


  1. Beautiful pics Love the one of Holly and first time I have seen a swallow close up
    Carol x

  2. Love that duct tape as patches on your book Carol. A beautiful photo of the swallow!
    Stay safe

  3. Wonderful pictures again Carol, your granddaughter looks so happy, made me smile. I can't get over seeing parrots flying around, what a wonderful sight and the little bird you caught is so sweet. I managed to do a similar thing weeks ago, this tiny little bird had flown through the window and was in a panick, when I finally got it, it was so tiny in my hands, it let me stroke it and calm it down til I let it fly, I cried, how silly I know, but it was a wonderful moment.xx

  4. I really enjoy looking at your "I Spy" pictures. They are fun. [Bunny]

  5. Love Holly's funny happy smile!! Such joy!! Beautiful photo closeup of the swallow. We had some swallows nesting on our front porch this season and they were quite used to us, but we would not have been able to get THAT close!

  6. That is an amazing capture of the swallow! We get birds stuck in our garage quite frequently and it is a chore to try and capture them without scaring them. Love that photo of your granddaughter.

  7. I love the duct tape and your granddaughter's funny face but that picture of the sparrow is incredible!

  8. Love the pure joy on your granddaughter's face!


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