24 October, 2021

iSpy #42

 iSpy #42  photographic challenge.

Every week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday).  It's always wonderful to see how people are inspired.

The prompts this week were:  Backyard, workplace, now hiring, heavy, own choice.

Backyard in Spring:  all the trees in the gully are leafed up and the Dayton Apple is in blossom in the front there.  The plums are finished flowering and already have tiny plums the size of a match head.  The hen house is now starting  to blend in a bit better.

Workplace:  My little cupboard home office.  You've already seen my other workplace in the crafting room in previous posts.

Now Hiring:  we have been back in level 3 lockdown, staying home, so can't get out to get a photo for this one,  but I am looking for someone to help with the gardening!  As you can see we already have beans and snow peas up in this garden.  There are also lettuce & capsicum plants on this end.  The strawberries are flowering like crazy so the expectations are pretty high for a good crop.

Heavy:  this is an old cast iron kettle - all I can say is the women in those days must've had great muscles!

Own choice:  The front yard is looking great at the moment with the new spring growth and light, lacy leaves, not to mention the cherry blossom.

... and the long driveway looking out toward the road:

Check out others' blogs here: ispy-42


  1. Wonderful perspectives Carol - I particularly like the kettle!!
    Stay safe

  2. What a fabulous i-spy once again Carol and your gardens are incredible, oh to have that land, it all looks amazing. As for the old time kettle, they were tough, the old time irons were enough to finish me off, I have one as a door stopper. :))xxx

  3. Hi Carol,

    I saw your comment on the post I put on Scrapping For Fun Challenge.

    I am sorry you are having problems too but grateful to know that it isn't just on a mac. Very often weird things like this happen when there has been a security update.

    I have found a way to get round it not selecting the blog photo. If you upload the image from your computer (2nd option) rather than from your blog it should allow you to do it. I think it might be something to do with the file size on the blog as it only seems to pick up tiny thumbnails and not the actual image from your post. None of the other linky types do this, only Linky 2.0

    It has been working for me since I realised I could do this and hope it works okay fo you too.

    Hope you get a bumper crop in your garden, sounds like it will be fabulous :)

    Best Wishes


  4. Oh thanks Mandy, I will give that a try. I noticed it only seems to be the blogs with the Linky 2.0. Thanks too for your kind comment. Cheers, CarolG

  5. Great pics on the prompts again and love the nature pics and those fabulous red hot pokers
    Carol x

  6. If we ever wanted a garden I'd definitely need to hire someone... I love the idea of growing my own food but seriously lack the skills. Your yard is looking great!

  7. Your yard looks so great! I love our yard in the spring! And I'm sorry you're in lock down again :( I hope it ends for you soon.

  8. The long driveway and the cherry blossom tree are both so beautiful. [Bunny]

  9. Gorgeous yard pics! Love the old kettle. I need help for my garden too, but I need to pull everything out since summer is over here.

  10. Thanks for all your comments ladies. Natasha, lockdown here is not too bad. I do miss the library, visiting th egarden centre, and getting takeaways now and then but otherwise, because we are retired, life goes on as usual. Because we are out in the country, we can go out for walks and cycle, and we certainly have plenty to do around the place. We only had 3 new cases in our area yesterday, so hopefully it will lift soon. Coming into spring helps. CarolG

  11. I love your springtime photos - especially that gorgeous driveway!


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