14 November, 2021

iSpy #45

 This week it's #45  of Lyshas iSpy challenge.

Every week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday).  It's always wonderful to see how people are inspired.

The prompts were:  Selfie, Starts with H, Paper, Trim, your choice.

Selfie: never a good choice for me.  Especially in lockdown with a selfie haircut.

Starts with H:  Hydrangea.  I love the hydrangeas that are curly petalled (like this one) or lacecaps.  I have a hedge of them in a variety of styles and in blues and whites along one boundary at the back of the wild garden.  They are just coming out with the warmer weather.

Paper:   A little selection of coordinating papers for  Christmas cards.  It was part of a freebie pullout from a magazine.  They are gorgeous and some I will be able to use for other projects too.

Trim:  self explanatory really!

Your Choice:  As promised last week, my lovely compassion rose.  They are highly scented with that lovely old-world scent, and lovely with a few in a vase too.

Check out everyone's interpretation of the prompts here:  ispy-45


  1. Great pics for the prompts and love the beautiful roses I hate pics of myself too lol
    Carol x

  2. Reat choice Carol, I do love these posts. Love the selfie, gosh I can't cope with those at all so well done haha, the flowers and trim, all gorgeous and those papers are very yummy. Xxx

  3. OH I just LOVE hydrangeas!! Your roses are beautiful too and I am a bit jealous of all your pretty trim.

  4. Ha! Natasha, you ain't seen nothin' yet. That is just the lace trim. You should see my ribbons selection! CarolG

  5. How I wish I could see these flowers in person and smell the roses. They are all lovely. [Bunny]
    <a href="http://

  6. love your half-selfie :) I think there are quite a few lockdown haircuts around at the moment :) Your rose looks amazing... would love to be able to smell it
    Stay safe

  7. Great pictures for the prompts! The roses are absolutely gorgeous - I can imagine the scent.

  8. Oh, between roses and hydrangeas your yard must smell amazing right now! And none of us look/looked great after months in quarantine. Your selfie is great!

  9. Great pics! Love your choice for trim.


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