18 November, 2021

Pengi tags


A set of pengi tags, simple but cute.  Did you know NZ has lots of kinds of penguins?   Out of the 18 species of penguins found in the world, thirteen of them have been sighted in New Zealand.  Nine of those 13 species actually breed in New Zealand.  In fact, just in the past week an Adelie penguin from Antarctica found it's way here - a first - it must've got lost when it turned left at the iceberg.

Images: Bugaboo

Snowflake Die: Impression Obsession

Tag die: NCraft

Also: Copics, ribbon

Shared on challenges:









heroarts stay-crafty-29-holiday tags



  1. Love the cute little tags and Penguins,beautiful bows-I didn't know that about penguins either thank you for the info
    Carol x

  2. Oh wonderful tags Carol, what a great idea :D Thank you for joining us at CRAFt Challenge this week
    Andrea x

  3. Your tags are magnificent! Such cute penguins. These will look great on gifts. So happy you played along with Krafty Chicks Challenge this week.
    Diane - DT

  4. These tags are really adorable .. extremely cute images and gorgeous colours. Fascinating facts about the penguins too 😀Thankyou for sharing with Allsorts challenge this week
    Pauline x

  5. Very pretty. Love that blue ribbon. I had to look up the penguins. They're going to have to change something on the WWW now that it was spotted in NZ because it says the only place it inhabits is .........oh heck I forgot already. Antarctica? Old age. [Bunny]

  6. So cute Carol. Love the tags and that snowflake die is a stunner.

  7. Fun Christmas creations, many thanks for joining in at Allsorts challenge this week.

    B x

  8. Carol these are just perfect.
    Thank you so much for entering our challenge this week at CRAFT Challenge, looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs Sheryl xx CRAFT DT

  9. Gorgeous festive tags. Will look wonderful on your presents.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  10. Fabulous and lovely tags. Thank you for sharing at Allsorts and at We Love Stamping Challenges 💌m

  11. You learn something everyday I am told, had no idea at all about the NZ penguins, who would've thought, I always imagine them in the Artic....
    Love your tags they are super cute.xx

  12. Beautiful tags, sorry am just catching up as I have been unable to comment on your blog via ipad so have had to come to the main computer. Love Alison x

  13. How cute and sweet tags! Love those penguins and the paper choice! Unusual snowflakes, they look great peeking out of the toppers!
    Thanks so much for sharing with us at We Love Stamping November challenge!

  14. Oh these are adorable Carol! Love them!

    Thank you for playing along with us at Creative Knockouts last week, I'm happy you joined us!

  15. Such sweet tags just love them Thanks for joining Sheepski Designs challenge Carole Design Team


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