05 December, 2021

#48 iSpy photographic challenge

 iSpy # 48.  Every week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday).  It's always wonderful to see how people are inspired.

I missed last week,  the first time I missed this year!  I didn't have any festivities, food (had some teeth out) free or fortune.  No inspiration at all.

This week the prompts this time are: Starts with U, Red, Small building, Sweet, Your choice.

Starts with U:  Urban view.  I love old buildings, and don't they show up beautifully here against the boring stark modern ones?  Such wonderful character and mellowness.

Red:  Feijoa flowers.  I talked about them a couple of weeks ago.  You may know this plant as pineapple guava.  The pollen dots on the ends of the stamens actually look like gold dust (colour doesn't show very well here).  The bushes are covered with buds and flowers and we are going to have a bumper crop this autumn.

Small building: This is a toilet block at a local shopping centre, isn't it wonderful?  I took the photo because I thought it would make a great quilt.

Sweet:  Red Velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing -  one of my faves.

Your choice:  At the moment it's late spring here, and with all the sunshine and showers the grass is growing like mad.  I managed to get this between mowings before the daisies got their heads chopped off.  I like daisies, such cheerful little flowers.

Check out all the wonderful inspiration from others here: iSpy 48                                  


  1. Beautiful collection of pics this week Carol -the old buildings are much better than the stark modern ones,beautiful flowers and fabulous toilet block-I love red velvet cake with cream cheese icing and simple daisies always look just perfect
    Carol x

  2. Absolutely gorgeous collection of photographs again Carol, I really missed last week's. Xx

  3. Ouch - having your teeth out would be enough to squelch your inspiration Carol. Loving your selection of shots this week, and how you have used the prompts.
    Stay safe

  4. A fabulous array of photos Carol.

  5. Oh I love the contrast of the old buildings with the sleek modern ones behind. Great shot! Daisies are a favorite flower of mine as well. Hope you're feeling better after having the teeth out!

  6. I just love those beautiful red flowers! I don't think I have ever seen such pretty toilet buildings before; they would make an interesting quilt pattern.

  7. Love all your pics this week! Great interpretation for "U".

  8. I love daisies too and I can totally see a quilt out of those patterns. Also, I LOVE the picture of the older buildings against the modern background. What a great shot!


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